Ether & Earth Pinion needle & cone

Attributes Aromatic: Energetic: Traditional: External Use Only! House of Aromatic’s Essential Oils are created by feeding steam through a “charge” of enclosed organic matter. The aromatic [ read more...]

Rabbit Brush

Aromatic: strong, earthy green, sweetly pungent vegetal/herbal, very diffusive; camphor and pineapple-like side notes. Very tenacious. A middle note in natural / botanical perfumery; may find [ read more...]

Douglas Fir

Attributes Essential oil: Feels good for colds/coughs, sore muscles, and inflammation. Energetic: Uplifting, calming Aromatic: Sweet, citrus, high range Traditional: Needle tea drunk for vitamins and [ read more...]

Engelmann Spruce

Attributes Aromatic: balsamic, green, warm, woody, coniferous with sweet, fruity secondary notes; has a soft balsamic drydown. A top to middle note in natural / botanical [ read more...]

Utah Juniper

Attributes Essential oil: Can be a helper for coughs and colds, circulation, bites/stings/bumps/bruises Energetic: Protective, calming, soothing Aromatic: Pungent, camphorous, dark, woody, low note Traditional: Needle [ read more...]

Common Ornamental Juniper

Attributes Common Ornamental Juniper / Juniperus chinensis ‘Pfitzeraiana’ is a synonym of Juniperus × pfitzeriana* according to World Flora Online (Needles and twigs) Aromatic: strong peppery and lemony, sweet balsamic, woody, camphoraceous, [ read more...]

Alpine Juniper

Attributes Alpine Juniper / Juniperus communis subsp. Alpina is a synonym of Juniperus communis var. saxatilis according to World Flora Online Aromatic: fresh, mild turpentine-like, woody, camphoraceous with soft fruity / citrus zest-like [ read more...]

Future Amber

Pinion Pine Essential Oil infused with aged and weathered Pinion Resin Aromatic: intense, deep, wood notes, somewhat sweet, resinous; diffusive, warm, cypress-like mid tones – becomes [ read more...]