Distilled Together: Utah Juniper, Alpine Juniper
Latin Names: Juniperus osteosperma, Juniperus communis subsp. alpina
Traditional Uses: Cleansing, clearing, protection, defining ceremonial space, uniting various levels of Being.
Aromatherapy associations suggest dilution in a carrier oil of your choice, such as House of Aromatics organic cold-pressed Jojoba oil. Add 8-12 drops essential oil to 1 one ounce carrier oil. Do not over do! Diffuse via steam or gentle heat, generally NOT all the time (especially around children). Generally herbal formulas & teas are best during pregnancy, nursing & child/elderhood, so if pregnant/nursing/etc. consult your wellness practitioner before incorporating essential oils into your life style. Handle carefully around children, elders and pets. Use with Wisdom & Intention.